Specialized Criminal Advocacy

Leandro Cerqueira Rochedo

OAB/BA 27.472

Specialized Criminal Advocacy

Always guiding his practice by the ethical principles and justice as advocated by the Brazilian Bar Association, Leandro Cerqueira Rochedo has built a solid reputation in criminal law throughout his career, handling over 1,000 cases, most of them in the State of Bahia. Graduated from the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC UESC) in 2007, he has distinguished himself by his effective and dedicated performance in numerous complex cases, with a strategic and client-focused approach, resulting in significant victories that ensure fundamental rights and freedoms.

Leandro Rochedo is fluent in English, ensuring clear and effective communication with international clients.


WhatsAppWhatsapp: +55 73 99198-7974
Phone: +55 73 98855-6112
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Praça Olinto Leone, n 17, Edf. Tarik, salas 505/506, Centro, Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil, CEP 45600-015

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